So What is Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Iliacus and Psoas
Rectus Femoris
Adductor Group
Errector Spinae
Rectus Abdominis
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus

Also the stress at L5/S1 due to this syndrome can also cause problems with the sacroiliac joint and knee. Piriformis syndrome can also be implicated which occurs when the piriformis muscle gets tight and/or spasms, which causes the sciatic nerve to become irritated, literally causing a 'pain in the bum' and or down the back of the leg and into the back.
So how do we fix this common problem in athletes?
Well firstly we need to address the soft tissue problems associated with lower crossed syndrome and these may include muscular adhesions, trigger points and active release at glute medius, TFL, iliopsoas and sacro-tuberous ligament. Once we have done this we can progress into a stretching and strengthening routine addressing the problems listed in the table above.
However when we have identified a condition like this it is important to realise that we cant just have all our soft tissue work done, then stretch and think that we have addressed the problem. It is important that posture is looked at and athletes actively try to change their posture by retraining and in this case strengthening the rectus abdominis is crucial. A favourite exercise of mine for this is Gray Cook's curl up which when done correctly is excellent.
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