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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Himalayan Rock Salt and Sole

Despite what people say, without salt we would not be able to function properly and it is actually as important to us as water! I am not talking about refined table salt that most people see everywhere and can cause poor health.

I am referring to the wonderful Himalayan Rock Salt which originates from the primal seas of years gone by, where life originally began.
Pink himalayan salt contains every trace element and mineral found in the body and is totally pure.

As long as you are drinking enough water then salt is essential for the bodyt to maintain blood chemistry, balance water content in blood and cells, aid digestion and allow our nervous system to function properly.

The best way to take in the profound health benefits of this amazing product is through drinking sole (pronounced so-lay).

So what is sole?

Basically when salt combines with purified water there ions become hydrolzed which creates new structures. The minerals are now sm,all enough to be able to pass into your bodies cells which if you think about it is pretty important, why take something if your body can't absorb it?!
Sole will also make your body more alkaline which we now know is so important to all round health and long term health in particular. The human body depends upon 84 of the known 106 elements to maintain optimum health and Himalayan pink crystal salt contains ALL 84 minerals, the 5 essential minerals all trace minerals. Add in that these minerals are then ionized in water by making sole and so are they are then readily absorbed and utilized by the cells in your body.

What minerals and elements does our body need?

- 5 essential (major) minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

- Important trace minerals: chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, and zinc.
- Other trace minerals: selenium, sulphur, nickel, cobalt, fluorine, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

How To Make Sole

To make the sole solution just add a desert spoon of crystals into a glass jar then fill it up with filtered water(ionized through reverse osmosis if you have one).

Put the lid on and leave for 24hrs for the crystals to dissolve. Once they have dissolved, then add some more and leave them again, up until such time that the crystals stop dissolving and sit as sediment at the bottom.

At this point the solution is fully saturated at 26% rock salt and ready for consumption.

Take 1 teaspoon in filtered water every morning in a glass before breakfast. This is enough minerals for around 24 hours unless you are training and sweating alot in which case you may wnat to drink more.

Try it and feel more energetic throughout the day and hey its so cheap too!!

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